We moved the rig to Saco on Tuesday. We have had pretty good weather although quite warm. The last couple of days we have had some off and on showers. I had a really nice visit with my friends, Debbie and Pete. She brought me the most delicious homemade Rhubarb marmalade. They told us about this great store with all kinds of discounted stuff. Of course, we had to go see later that day, and who do we see there, but Debbie and Pete.
I had been looking up oddities in "Roadside America" on line and discovered that there was a 1700 pound milk chocolate moose close by. His name is Lenny and he stands in a pond of tinted white chocolate.

Recently they have added a momma bear and 2 cubs made of dark chocolate. The momma weighs 380 pounds and the cubs are 90 pounds each. Of course we had to buy some chocolate while we were there. I opted for milk chocolate covered cashews. Yum.

Thursday we went to Portland to take the "land and sea tour". The land part was by trolley.

We had an excellent guide who told us about the history of Portland. Did you know the city burned 3 times. They decided when they rebuilt it for the fourth time they would use granite and brick. Good choice.
The tour included a trip to the Cape Elizabeth and the famous "Portland Light". It is amazing how you can be in bright sunlight one minute and fog the next.

Cape Elizabeth has some of the most beautiful homes and this is just one of them.

The second half of the trip was on the water. We saw at least 4 lighthouses including a sea view of the Portland Light. It was fully functional, as the fog was not lifting.




We are always on the lookout for wildlife and Janice was able to get this picture. Don't know where the rest of his pals were, but you can see him on the right side of the picture. These seals do not have flippers, so they have to use their stomach muscles to move them up on to the rocks.

We had a great seafood lunch at a tavern pub in Portland before heading back.
In the evening we took a ride to Old Orchard Beach which is a kind of Myrtle Beach/Coney Island type place. The traffic was horrendous with pedestrian walkways every 2 feet. Motorists have to stop for pedestrians (and rightly so) however, I didn't think I would ever get out of there.
No trip to this area is complete without a trip to LL Bean in Freeport. I am not a shopper, but Janice really enjoys it. Guess who bought stuff? Me. I have birthday and Christmas presents bought.
Today we had two celebrity sightings. You have heard the expression "Elvis has left the building", well he did and he was walking down the streets of Saco. We were so startled, we forgot to take a picture. I thought the guy behind me was going to fall off his motorcycle. This "Elvis" was about 65 and in full rhinestone studded white cape and bell-bottoms. What a hoot.
We stopped at Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge and wandered around on the mile long trail. It was really pretty in the wooded sections. As you can see, Janice was prepared with camera and binoculars.

However, the only wildlife we saw were these geese.

We stopped at this really neat "Lighthouse Store". Isn't this a great playhouse for a kid?

I really liked these lawn decorations too.

From there we traveled to Kennebuckport. I didn't have a map, so I just kind of meandered through town trying to get close to the ocean. There was a pull off spot ahead and people were out taking pictures, so I pulled in. I thought I knew where I was and I was right. George and Barbara Bush's Summer estate.

Glad we had our trusty binoculars because we spotted both Barbara and George. George actually waved up at the road to us. We watched for some time while he got into a golf cart and drove to another part of the compound. He got out and went into one of the buildings. Both Janice and I were surprised at how feeble he was when he walked around. I guess I didn't realize that he is 86 years old. I guess you always think people stay the same.
Until next time.............